This week I’m in Cologne, Germany & unusually for me I’m away from the computer for most of the day. Twice a year the European equestrian industry gathers at the Spoga Horse trade fair to shop like only horsey women can!
The cost of this kind of marketing activity is high. Many of the companies here have spent 30,000 euros plus on their stand, then there is freight, travel, staffing, accommodation & of course beer to pay for on top.
It seems a bit strange that will all the modern internet technologies available to us, that companies & buyers still travel across the globe to meet in over-priced exhibition venues. Perhaps I’m just grumpy at paying 8euro per hour for internet access?!
I’ve been busy videoing away with my new flip HD cam & the project this year is to integrate more video into the marketing strategy of the equestrian wholesale company I also run alongside Blacktype. It’s a very traditional industry (launching an e-commerce website for trade customers was seen as revolutionary 18 months ago!!) so it will be interesting to see how it goes.
On the subject of the flipcam, I’m delighted with it so far although I’m not sure what everyone in the office thinks as they are being filmed for inclusion on the website.
Thanks to Anna Bruce for the photo. Check out her site at http://www.annabruce.co.uk/ if you would like to find out more about her superstar journalism & copywriting skills.
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