Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Apologies for being a bit lame with posting lately, my excuse is Christmas, the spring trade show season & twitter, which I'm still very much in love with!

Any way quick update on the site I mentioned in my last post http://www.ridingresource.com/, which is created by the team at http://hustlewood.com/ (which is itself a pretty neat site) - cheers for the comments below guys.

It's up & running & looks like a great resource if you are a rider in the US so if you are, go check it out!

In other news from the social media coalface, virgin.com has announced plans for it's redevelopment, which includes some pretty cool features to allow people to interact more using the site - read all about it here http://news.cnet.com/8301-13515_3-10171231-26.html

My other business interest lie in retail so it's interesting to see that virgin is proposing to implement a rewards scheme for community users - encouraging interaction or overt commercialisation of the medium? - I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

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